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Ali Express Cant Sort By Orders

AliExpress Sorting Feature Malfunction Frustrates Users

Frequent Sorting Issues Reported by Android App Users

Users Experiencing Difficulties with Sort by Price and Other Options

AliExpress, the popular online marketplace, is facing widespread user complaints regarding a persistent issue with its sort by order feature. Multiple users have reported that the feature is malfunctioning, making it difficult or impossible to sort products by price or other preferences.

According to numerous users on online forums and social media platforms, the issue has been affecting the Android app of AliExpress. Users have described experiencing frequent errors when attempting to sort products by price, with the app often failing to respond or displaying an error message.

The sorting malfunction has also disrupted users' ability to use other sorting options, such as sort by rating or sort by shipping speed. In some cases, users have reported that the app freezes completely when they try to change the sorting method.
