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Classical Art Demon

Artworks About Demons on Display at The Met Fifth Avenue

Eerie and Captivating

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is showcasing a captivating exhibition titled "Demons: The Art of Fear." The exhibit features 18 artworks from various cultures and time periods, exploring the complex and often frightening concept of demons throughout art history.

Themes Explored

The artworks on display encompass a wide range of themes, including the fear of the unknown, the battle between good and evil, and societal anxieties. Visitors will encounter depictions of demons as grotesque creatures, seductive temptresses, and supernatural beings. The exhibition also examines the cultural and religious contexts that have influenced these depictions.

The artworks are displayed in Gallery 455 at The Met Fifth Avenue. The exhibition will be on view until January 8, 2024, providing ample time for art enthusiasts and curious visitors alike to delve into the fascinating world of demons through the lens of art history.
